AKTIONSPREIS TROMMELSTEINE: 1 Kilo Rosenquarz Qualität A aus Madagaskar
AKTIONSPREIS TROMMELSTEINE: 1 Kilo Kiwi-Jaspis (Amazonit mit Turmalin und Bergkristall) aus Neuseeland.
We regularly hear that our drumstones are too expensive compared to our colleagues. This is because we go for the best drumstones in the world, usually produced in South Africa, Brazil, and Germany. But this season we have a dozen drum stones at very, very low prices. A-quality stones with a super beautiful shine, at the sharpest prices in Europe!
Kiwi Jasper and "Sesame Jasper" are interchangeable trade names for a black-speckled stone, often mixed with transparent crystalline formations. To avoid confusion, we use the term 'Kiwi Jasper' to refer to the light green variety of this stone, while 'Sesame Jasper' better describes the white or lighter-colored form of this mineral. Like all types of Jasper, Sesame Jasper is a nurturing stone. It nourishes and supports us in times of stress, bringing peace and wholeness. Used in healing, it unites all aspects of your life. Jasper aligns the chakras and absorbs negative energy.The name Jasper is derived from the Greek word Iaspis, which means "spotted stone." Sesame Jasper and Kiwi Jasper are names used to describe this beautiful Jasper. This variety of Jasper is a mint green color with spots of black, reminiscent of dots.Kiwi/Sesame Jasper is a pale seafoam green color with black and clear crystal spots throughout the stone. It is a nurturing stone, a good stone for healers to use. A good stone for people in counseling or therapy who want to overcome addictions or compulsive behavior and gather their strength for the battles from the emotional. It is a powerful stone for those who stand for justice and fair play.Despite its natural color, this is not a gentle kind of energy, but incredibly vibrant and invigorating. It elevates the spirit and uplifts the mood. This "euphoria" is not the kind where you lose your thought process, but it strengthens the natural impulse of love, which brings about a shift in attitude, mood, and spirit. Which in turn helps in balancing the art of giving and receiving.