Jade dolphin tail made from beautiful Burmese green jade mounted on a pedestal.
Jasper breccia sculpture of open hands from Zimbabwe.
Een uniek beeldhouwwerk uit Zimbabwe: opengevouwen handen, geheel gemaakt uit een enorm stuk jaspisbreccie. Dit beeld is werkelijk adembenemend mooi en prima te gebruiken als bassin voor een paar vissen in een grote tuin. Dit is een absoluut zeldzaam beeld dat je eigenlijk nooit ziet. Ook is de kwaliteit van de Jaspis zonder meer zeer goed te noemen.
Brecciated jasper is the most dynamic and activating type of jasper. It works grounding and promotes energy flow by breaking through blockages in the lower chakras and knees. The stones work warming and provide the body with energy. They help you stand in your power and promote willpower and perseverance. These types of jasper have a positive effect on the blood, are detoxifying, and stimulate liver function. Jasper is an opaque and finely crystalline variety of quartz. The chemical composition is identical to that of agate, flint, and chert. The colors are variable, ranging from yellow to red, reddish brown, and green. Jasper stones are cut and polished to be set in jewelry. The name jasper is derived from a Semitic language via Latin and Greek (íaspis) and means "spotted or speckled stone." The main deposits of jasper are in India (Deccan Plateau) and Mexico (yellow), Germany (red), and Africa, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, France, and the USA (other colors). Jasper has been worked as a gemstone since ancient times. For example, they made seal stones, small carved stones, and trinkets from it. People attributed magical powers to jasper. In ancient times, it was often called the mother of all stones. It is currently used in cabochons, table inlays, and decorative art objects. Imitations are made from glass. The Egyptians and Greeks already used jasper to enhance sexuality and to achieve a swift pregnancy. Among the Native Americans, yellow jasper worked as a rainstone. A number of healing properties are attributed to jasper, such as stress reduction, weight loss, combating stomach issues, and alleviating liver problems. According to various literary sources, jasper is associated with the zodiac signs Aries, Virgo, Cancer, and Scorpio. In the Christian scripture Revelation 4:2–3, it is written: (2) At that moment, I was caught up in ecstasy. There was a throne in heaven, and someone was sitting on it. The one who sat there appeared to be Jasper and Sardius, and around the throne was a rainbow that looked like an emerald.