Assortment box with amethyst clusters (9 pieces) For on the counter.
Assortment box with blue calcite (9 pieces) For on the counter.
Assortment box with Aura Quartz clusters (9 pieces) For on the counter.
Beautifully sorted assortment in a stunning display box that looks magnificent on the counter. Especially eye-catching for children who always look at the minerals from our nature with wonder.
Meaning of Aqua/titanium/angels/sun Aura Comes from a special process, where the surface of the crystal is coated with fine, pure gold powder under high pressure. This results in a beautiful, brilliant blue color with rainbow effects. This colored crystal is effective in treating, in particular, the throat chakra. Enables communication with your inner truth and allows your inner emotions to be expressed. Aqua aura quartz (The stone of universal light) is a protective and healing stone with a strong effect on the aura. The stone not only cleanses the aura but also reduces holes in the energy field (caused by, for example, traumatic experiences, severe mental disorders, and addictions). Aqua aura protects against negative energy, negative influences, and spiritual or psychic attacks. The stone promotes self-realization by enhancing your inner potential and reducing obstacles. Because aqua aura activates the throat chakra, it enhances communication, the expression of feelings, and self-expression. Aqua aura strengthens the immune system and the healing properties of other stones.