Aura geodes in box of 12 pieces in various colors. Angelaura, flame aura etc. etc.

Aura geodes in box of 12 pieces in various colors. Angelaura, flame aura etc. etc.

Scolecite geode (very, very rare) Originating from Aurangabad in India

Scolecite geode (very, very rare) Originating from Aurangabad in India

Sodalite XXL columns, originating from Bolivia.

Sodalite column from Bolivia (between 30-45 kg), very beautiful! And is considered the world's most azure blue sodalite. Beautiful high-end pieces weighing around 35-50 kilos, T-shaped sculptures measuring 550-700mm, originating from Bolivia. Besides being a decorative piece, it is often sold as a beautiful gravestone in the cemetery.
Availability: In stock
The mineral sodalite is a chlorine-containing sodium-aluminum silicate with the chemical formula Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2. The tectosilicate belongs to the feldspar substitutes. The white, gray, pink, green, or azure blue sodalite has a glassy to greasy luster and a white streak color, and the cleavage is poor according to the crystal plane [110]. The average density is 2.29 and the hardness is 6. The crystal system is cubic, and the mineral is not radioactive. The name of the mineral sodalite is derived from its chemical composition; the English word sodium means "natrium." Sodalite primarily occurs in nepheline syenites, phonolites, and other felsic, silica-poor igneous and metamorphic rocks. The type locality is located in the Ilimaussaq massif in Greenland.
More Information
Dimensions 75x20x25cm
Country of Manufacture Bolivia
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