Hyalite-Opal aus Durango in Mexiko.

Hyalite-Opal aus Durango in Mexiko.

Stichtite pieces from Kaznakhtinskiy Range, Altay mountains, Russia

Stichtite pieces from Kaznakhtinskiy Range, Altay mountains, Russia

Largest Prehnite in Europe! found in the Minbalman mine, Morocco.

During our last purchasing trip in May 2024, we were lucky and were able to purchase the largest Prehnite ever exported to Europe. No less than 87 kilos and almost a meter in diameter.
Availability: In stock
The mineral prehnite is a calcium-aluminum silicate with the chemical formula Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH). The mineral belongs to the phyllosilicates. The transparent to translucent colorless, white, gray or yellow to yellow-green prehnite has a glass to pearl luster, a white stripe color and the cleavage is clear along the crystal plane [001]. Prehnite has an average density of 2.87 and its hardness is 6 to 6.5. The crystal system is orthorhombic and the mineral is not radioactive. The mineral prehnite is named after the Dutch colonel Hendrik Von Prehn (1733 - 1785), who discovered the mineral in South Africa. Prehnite was the first mineral to be named after a person. Prehnite is a mineral that is quite common in hydrothermally weathered rocks. Although it is not a zeolite, it is often found near zeolites. It is found, among other things, in granites, syenites and gneisses. It is also an indicative mineral for the low-grade metamorphic facies prehnite-pumpellyite. The type location is Haslach, Harzburg and Oberstein, Germany.
More Information
Dimensions 87 kilo
Country of Manufacture Morocco
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