14 singing bowls on stick Bell Tree instrument handmade in Nepal.

14 singing bowls on stick Bell Tree instrument handmade in Nepal.

Indonesian hand drum

Indonesian hand drum "Pellet drum" Beautiful clay drums with 3 different motifs from JAva.

Hand-beaten "Giant"gong 800 mm with super sound incl. mobile stand 1060x1210mm.

Many goods from China are not always top quality. But what is the absolute top, are gongs. Nowhere in the world are gongs made so beautifully, (even Tiber and Nepal, who make the most beautiful chimes, are unable to match a Chinese gong. This gong is truly the gong with the highest desire for perfection
Availability: In stock
A gong is a round metallophone of East Asian origin that can have a specific pitch. The construction can vary from that of a round, curved dish (with or without a bump on it, as with the Chinese gong), to that of a rectangular metal plate. It is played with a felt, metal or wooden beater. A specific gong is the great tam-tam, which are available in different pitches and sizes. In addition, this gong is very sonorous and almost oceanic with a complex timbre, the tones of which can also be made audible separately. There are also gongs that look more like a cymbal. These gongs are machined in a lathe and thinly machined. They have a more rustling sound.
More Information
Dimensions 80cm 106x121cm
Country of Manufacture China
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