Stichtite pieces from Kaznakhtinskiy Range, Altay mountains, Russia

Stichtite pieces from Kaznakhtinskiy Range, Altay mountains, Russia

Orpiment super rare mineral from Russia. (Seuduchen mine / Siberia)

Orpiment super rare mineral from Russia. (Seuduchen mine / Siberia)

Realgar / Orpiment super rare mineral from Russia. (Altai mountains / Siberia)

Super rare mineral from Russia. (Altai mountains / Siberia)
Availability: In stock
The mineral orpiment or auripigment is an arsenic sulfide with the chemical formula As2S3. The transparent to translucent lemon yellow, orange yellow or brown yellow orpiment has a pearly luster, a pale yellow stripe color and the mineral has a perfect cleavage according to the crystal plane [010]. The crystal system is monoclinic. Orpiment has an average density of 3.52, the hardness is 1.5 to 2 and the mineral is not radioactive. The mineral is strongly pleochroic, from white to gray-white with a light red tint. The name of the mineral auripigment is derived from the Latin aurus (gold) and pigmentum (dye), because of the golden luster of the mineral. As a yellow dye it was also known as operment, yellow sulfur arsenic, rus yellow, Chinese yellow or king's yellow. Orpiment is a mineral formed in low-temperature hydrothermal veins, in hot springs, and as a weathering product of arsenic-bearing minerals, chiefly realgar. The type locality is not defined. The mineral is found, among other places, in the Twin Creeks Mine, north of Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada, United States.
More Information
Dimensions 15-25mm
Country of Manufacture Russia
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