Buddhism is a philosophical and religious movement that, according to tradition, was founded by Gautama Buddha. The goal of Buddhists is to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth, never to suffer again. Buddhism has gradually spread to other parts of Asia, playing a central role in the spiritual, cultural and social development of the Eastern world. Today, Buddhism has approximately 415 million adherents worldwide. Avoiding all wrong behavior, Undertaking the right, And developing your own mind; This is the teaching of the Buddhas. Buddha (Dhammapada verse 183)
Lumbini (also: Lumbini Aadarsha) is a village development committee (English: village development committee, abbreviated VDC; Nepali: panchayat) in southern Nepal on the border with India. It is the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, who lived from 623 to 543 BC. Lumbini is one of the four major pilgrimage sites related to Buddha's life. Lumbini has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997. Because it is such an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists worldwide, there are many different Buddhist elements from different countries to be found in Lumbini. The area includes a Chinese Buddhist temple, a Burmese pagoda, and Tibetan prayer flags and Korean Buddhist lanterns hang from the bodhi tree. The Buddhist temples of the main streams of Buddhism can be found here. In 2013, a Buddha statue was found at the Maya Devi temple in Lumbini, which is considered the oldest in the world, dating back to the 6th century BC. n place of attaining one's own salvation and Buddhahood, the Mahayana sees the bodhisattva ideal as the main goal. The bodhisattva promises to postpone his own full enlightenment and return to earth again and again to help everyone, until all living beings are delivered. The emphasis here is on humanity. The Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan people, as the fourteenth lama living in exile in Dharamsala, is regarded as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. He returns to earth again and again to help people on their path to enlightenment.