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Lava stone
Lava is rock in liquid form. After magma reaches the earth's surface or the sea floor, it is called lava. Due to differences in magma composition, flow rate, temperature and chemical, mineralogical composition, there are several types of lava, each with its own behavior and characterized by a porous structure. Lava can have a destructive effect, but at the same time it also has a creative effect. For example, new land can be formed by lava, for example the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean have been created. Furthermore, cooled lava -after several centuries of weathering- is very fertile and can therefore be used well as agricultural land. The word 'lava' originally comes from the Italian language, and is probably derived from the Latin word labes, which means the sliding or sliding of the lava. The word was first used in its present sense by Francesco Serao, professor of medicine at the University of Naples, when describing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius from May 14 to June 4, 1737. Serao believed that lava was a mixture of sand and soil that was melted by the heat of the volcanic fire. He described "a flow of fiery lava" compared to the water and mud that run off the volcano after heavy rain. Cooling viscous lava often accumulates in a volcanic shaft. Due to this blockage and the presence of gases in the lava, the pressure is built up in the shaft. Eventually, an eruption takes place creating large clouds of volcanic ash and gas, as well as pyroclastic flows. The most explosive eruptions are followed by a quieter period of lava being ejected. When the lava is rich in silica, a slow-growing lava dome is formed, a large cushion-like structure full of cracks and crevices. The top and edges of a lava dome are usually covered with stone fragments, breccia and ash. The hardened rock that arises from lava is called effluent rock. The appearance and composition of different effluent rocks varies widely. If a rhyolite lava flow cools quickly, it can become obsidian. However, if it is filled with gas bubbles, it can also turn into pumice stone. When the same lava cools slowly, it becomes a light-colored solid rock that is simply called rhyolite.
Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand. In 2011, 94.6% of the 66.7 million inhabitants adhered to the religion. The most important movement in the country is formed by Theravada Buddhism. Archaeological finds show that Buddhism in Myanmar may have been passed on to Thailand in around the 6th century AD. Buddhism may have been present in Thailand earlier, with the earliest being in 228 BC. was by Uttar Sthavira, one of the sons of the Indian king Asoka, an Indian ruler from the 3rd century BC. and great promoter and protector of Buddhism. The most common movement in Thailand between the 8th and 13th centuries was Hinayana Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism then spread at the hands of the then kings of Thailand. This influence was mainly due to the contacts that there were with Ceylonese Buddhists at that time. In 1851 Rama IV succeeded his deceased brother Rama III. Rama IV was a Buddhist monk when he ascended the throne and during his reign reformed Buddhism in the country in the form it is still practiced in the early 21st century. He did this by promoting the Dhammayut school which attaches great importance to the rules of the Vinaya. He was succeeded by Rama V who was also an active advocate of Buddhism. For example, he had a Pali Canon published that is considered one of the most important and most complete of its kind in the early 21st century. A later reform put the king in charge of the entire Sangha in Thailand.