Labradorite - raw tea light holder from Madagascar.
Selenite XL tea light holder (120mm high, 70mm hole and preferably 110mm diameter) VERY SPECIAL!
Selenite XXL tea light holder (200mm high, 130mm hole and 110mm diameter) VERY SPECIAL!
We were asked specifically by the flower & home decoration and furniture industry to produce a very special tea light holder, which despite its higher price sells very well!
Selenite, the stone with angel vibrations is becoming increasingly rare. Our fantastic Selenite products from Morocco are of great beauty and are valued by many. Yet our Selenite is not expensive, certainly not in comparison with the quality. The name selenite is given to larger transparent gypsum crystals (CaSO4 2 H2O). Selenite is formed, among other things, by oxidation of calcareous clay deposits. Pyrite occurs in these deposits. The weathering (oxidation) of pyrite releases sulphate ions (SO42-). The oxidation will also acidify the clay, causing the lime to dissolve (lime dissolves in acidic environments). This releases Ca2+ ions (calcium), which then react with the sulphates to form gypsum. Selenite is sometimes confused with rock crystal (SiO2) because they are very similar in appearance. However, they are easy to distinguish because the surface of selenite can be scratched with a fingernail. This is not possible with rock crystal because that mineral is much harder. The name selenite comes from Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon. Location: United States, Mexico, Russia, Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England. Color: pure white, orange, blue, brown, green.