Selenite lamp Iceberg small 20-25 cm (Pick up yourself is € 1, - per lamp cheaper)

Selenite lamp Iceberg small 20-25 cm (Pick up yourself is € 1, - per lamp cheaper)

Selenite lamp Iceberg XL 30-40cm

Selenite lamp Iceberg XL 30-40cm

Selenite lamp Iceberg large 25-32 cm

incl. electricity and bulb NOWHERE CHEAPER Selenite also called "angel stone", of many years very popular, each year we import three full containers with more than 70 tons of selenite products.
Availability: In stock
  • Buy 12 for €16.00 each and save 16%
  • Buy 36 for €14.60 each and save 23%
Selenite lamp Iceberg large 25-32 cm is available to buy in increments of 1

Selenite, the stone with angel vibrations is increasingly more rare to be. Our fantastic selenite products from Morocco are of great beauty and are estimated by many at their value. Yet our selenite is not expensive, certainly not in comparison with the quality.

The name given to more transparent selenite gypsum crystals (CaSO4 · 2 H2O). Selenite is, among other things formed by oxidation of calcareous clay deposits. In these deposits is pyrite for. By weathering (oxidation) of pyrite come sulphate ions (SO42-). Still by the oxidation will acidify the clay, so that the lime will dissolve (lime dissolves in acidic environments). This will allow the Ca2 + ions (calcium) are released, which then react with the sulfates to gypsum. Selenite is sometimes confused with Quartz (SiO2) because they look very much alike in appearance. They are, however, easy to distinguish because the surface of Selenite with the nail can be scratched. In rock crystal is not possible because the mineral is much harder. The name selenite comes from Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon.

Location: United States, Mexico, Russia, Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England. Color: pure white, orange, blue, brown, green.

Selenite is a new time marker that has come to help the people to ground angelic energy in personality. The selenite has the quality to make your power of universal love, and gives a wonderful sense of unity. Ensures that you experience peace and only good wish. A cloud of angels and angelic energy vibrations. Selenite has a particularly soft look which is calming. A good aura healer: removes negative energy from the aura. Selenite is also very good to clean up the room is enlightening, provides insight and awareness. Selenite stimulates clairvoyant, telepathic and empathic abilities, provides insights and contact with your guides. Selenite creates a peaceful space, keep bad influences against. Spiritual lift the confusion, gives clear insights and helps to detect underlying images. Provides conscious understanding of what happens at the subconscious level.

Selenite protects against seizures and neutralizes mercury poisoning from amalgam .. It is an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and feeding a child.

Selenite production

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  • More than 165,000 various articles in stock
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  • Guaranteed competitive prices

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