Shungite is a black, shiny, non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight percent carbon. It was first described from a deposit near the village of Shunga in Karelia, Russia, where it got its name. Shungite is known for the fullerenes it contains. Shungite is a stone that has existed for 2 billion years. Here is still relatively unknown. It derives its effect from the presence of a special crystalline form of carbon. It is a very special stone that particularly helps against electromagnetic smog. You can place the stone around your electrical devices at home to counteract the radiation. Because the stone is strongly magnetic, it works very grounding, cleansing, and transforming. It is also a protective stone. It also protects you against people who think negatively about you (or practice black magic). It shields the aura and fills it with white light. The stone is also called the 'Stone of Life' due to its antibacterial properties. From this stone, you can also make a powerful elixir. The stone purifies water and imbues it with healing vibrations.