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Massage sticks or healing sticks are used in Shiatsu (pressure point massage), among other things, to stimulate and support the underlying meridians and tissues. In this way, not only the body heals, but at the same time the underlying cause of the tension, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Because physical tensions and blockages almost always have an underlying, non-physical, origin. With some gemstones such as rock crystal and amethyst, trauma from past lives can even be healed. These sticks can also be used to balance the chakras. Then we do not use the blunt side, but the point, which is aimed at the chakra at a distance from the body. How big the distance between the Healing Stick and the chakra should be depends on the imbalance and is actually indicated by the Healing Stick itself. The same goes for the healing of the aura. very often corresponding gemstones from the chakra spectrum are used.
Dimensions | H24cm x W4cm x D3cm |