Largest Prehnite in Europe! found in the Minbalman mine, Morocco.

Largest Prehnite in Europe! found in the Minbalman mine, Morocco.

Realgar / Orpiment super rare mineral from Russia. (Altai mountains / Siberia)

Realgar / Orpiment super rare mineral from Russia. (Altai mountains / Siberia)

Stichtite pieces from Kaznakhtinskiy Range, Altay mountains, Russia

Special stone from Russia. Really a beautiful stone that can only be found in one place in the world.
Availability: In stock
Stichtite is a mineral, a carbonate of chromium and magnesium; formula Mg6Cr2CO3(OH)16.4 H2O. The colour varies from pink to lilac to a rich purple. It is formed as an alteration product of chromium-bearing serpentine. Discovered in 1910 in western Tasmania, Australia, it was first recognised by A.S. Wesley a former chief chemist with the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, it was named after Robert Carl Sticht the manager of the mine. Stichtite is found near the Adelaide Mine, Dundas - east of Zeehan, as well as on the southern shore of Macquarie Harbour. It is exhibited in the West Coast Pioneers Museum in Zeehan. Barbertonite is a polytype of stichite.
More Information
Dimensions 40-70mm
Country of Manufacture Russia
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