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Alternate names and spelling: Titanium Aura quartz, Flame Aura, Dark Rainbow Aura Titanium Aura is quartz which is permanently covered by fusing titanium crystals with heat and vacuum to give the quartz are beautiful rainbow colors. Titanium Aura is sometimes called the "Stone of Astral Journeys' and is an excellent crystal for astral travel and out of body experiences. It has a high energy and is useful for the removal of energy blocks, especially those impede creativity. This stone is known to open the position of all the chakras and to assist in promoting and raising Kundalini energy. Titanium Aura is known to activate the Third Eye and help with clairvoyance, reading people, and other paranormal activities. This stone is used in folklore and crystal healing vitality, strength, eyes, brains, ears, central nervous system. Titanium Aura is usually associated with the Third Eye Chakra, but also with the Root Chakra.